Find out whether you are obliged to register with NPE

Skriv ut Del 20. November 2019    Bokmål   Nynorsk

The owner and the person responsible for the enterprise are responsible for ensuring that the enterprise registers for the contribution scheme. This only applies to enterprises where authorised health personnel provide healthcare outside the public health service.

In this check, we use the word employee as a collective term to refer to all the ways in which you can be affiliated to an enterprise (employed, engaged, working on an assignment on behalf of, etc.).

What is your role as an employee?

Based on your response, you will probably not be required to register. It is the enterprise you work for that must register.

Please contact the client/employer for confirmation.

One of the criteria that must be met in order for you to be required to register is that the healthcare must be provided by authorised health personnel. 

Do you have authorisation or a license as health personnel?

Based on your response, you will probably not be required to register.

The Patient Injury Act only applies to healthcare provided by authorised or licensed health personnel.

Healthcare is defined as treatments which prevent, diagnose, treat, maintain health or rehabilitate, or provide nursing and care. The healthcare must be provided by authorised health personnel.

If you provide cosmetic treatment that does not require the expertise of health personnel, this will not normally be considered healthcare.

Do you provide healthcare?

Based on your response, you will probably not be required to register.

Only those who provide healthcare are required to register.

Not all forms of cosmetic treatment are considered to constitute healthcare.

A private health service is healthcare that is provided outside the public health service.

The public health service includes:

  • healthcare provided by the state, healthcare trusts, county councils, municipalities or public education institutions
  • enterprises that have an agreement with the public sector concerning operating subsidies or the purchase of healthcare services. This includes:
    • the “Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering” (work-oriented rehabilitation) scheme
    • agreements concerning treatment in the event of a breach of deadline

Even if the patient receives a full or partial refund from HELFO or NAV, your enterprise will be considered to be a private health service.

Do you provide healthcare as a private health service?

Based on your response, you will probably not be required to register.

If you only work with the public health service, you will not be required to register.

The part of your enterprise that is funded by the public sector, through an agreement concerning operating subsidies and/or the purchase of health and care services, is covered by the public health service.

Enterprises which do not have an agreement with the public sector, or which operate outside a public sector agreement, are considered to provide a private health service.

It should be noted that the treatment of patients who pay privately, or who are reimbursed for their treatment through an insurance policy, will be considered a private health service. 

Do you have a full or partial operating agreement and/or other agreements with the public health service?

Based on your response, you will probably not be required to register.

If you only work with the public health service, you will not be required to register.

Essentially, only treatment that is provided in Norway, including Svalbard, is covered by the patient injury system.

Do you provide healthcare in Norway?

Based on your response, you will probably not be required to register.

The Patient Injury Act applies to injuries sustained following treatment in Norway, and to injuries caused by treatment abroad, when the treatment is provided under an agreement with the Norwegian public health service.

If you offer healthcare services abroad, you should contact your professional association or your insurance company for advice.

The Patient Injury Act does not cover enterprises that only provide alternative therapies.

Alternative therapies that form an integral part of the ordinary health service are covered by the Patient Injury Act.

Do you only provide alternative therapies?

Based on your response, you will probably not be required to register.

Alternative therapies are not covered by the Patient Injury Act. Contact your professional association or your insurance company for advice.

The collective agreement that associations and federations have with NPE fulfils the registration obligation that applies to the association’s members.

NPE has signed collective agreements with the following federations/associations:

Norwegian Pharmacy Association, Norwegian Dental Technician Association, Norwegian Chiropractors’ Association, Norwegian Manual Therapist Association (NMF), Norske Fotterapeuters Forbund (Norwegian Association of Chiropodists), Synsinformasjon (Norwegian Opticians Association).

Are you a member of one of our collective agreement parties?

Based on your response, you will probably not be required to register.

Your federation/association which has a collective agreement is responsible for ensuring that the registration obligation is fulfilled.

If the enterprise employs authorised health personnel to provide healthcare in the private health service, it will be obliged to register the health personnel concerned.

Here, ‘employee’ means:

  • health personnel who are employed, engaged or hired
  • self-employed persons working at a clinic, provided they are not financially responsible for the enterprise

The enterprises can jointly register the health personnel.

Examples of enterprises with joint registration of health personnel:

  • Aleris
  • Colosseumklinikken
  • Volvat medisinske senter

Are you covered by joint registration?

Based on your response, you and the enterprise will be required to register.

If your enterprise has not been registered in previous years, you must also register for those years. If you do not register for previous years, the enterprise could end up having to pay compensation as well as costs.

Based on your response, you will probably not be required to register.

Please contact the client/employer for confirmation.

Please contact us if you are still unsure.