Contribution scheme for private health care

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Tilskuddsportalen for privat helsetjeneste

I portalen for privat helsetjeneste skal virksomheter som yter private helsetjenester registrere helsepersonellnummer, stillingsprosent og andre opplysninger, slik at virksomheten dekkes av tilskuddsordningen i NPE.

Find out whether you are obliged to register with NPE

By answering some simple questions, you can get an idea if you as a health care provider, are obliged to register with NPE.

Who has a duty to register?

All enterprises which provide healthcare outside the public health service are required to pay contributions to NPE. This scheme ensures that patients who suffer injuries due to errors made in connection with their treatment receive the compensati...

Prices and invoice

Here you'll find information about what the contribution scheme contains, which costs that are covered, and invoice and payment information.

Limitations to the registration duty

Here you will find information about who needs to register and pay contribution to NPE.

Collective agreements

NPE has signed collective agreements with several associations. Here you can read more about what a collective agreement is and the associations that have such collective agreements.

Professional groups

Here you will find information about the contribution duty linked specifically to professional groups for dentists and physicians. The general information about the contribution duty that can be found in the menu items above, also applies to...


Here you will find information about the regulations related to the contribution duty for private health services.

Get in touch

Do you need advice or guidance in connection with the contribution scheme or do you need help finding out what you will pay in contributions? Please get in touch, we would be happy to help.