Types of injury and examples
Here you'll find examples of cases we have processed and information about compensation in relation to various themes.
Here you'll find examples of cases we have processed and information about compensation in relation to various themes.
Patients are increasingly applying for compensation after sustaining injuries caused by a dentist. You should be aware that you will not normally be entitled to compensation from NPE if the financial loss you incur is less than NOK 10,000.
Her er informasjon til deg som vurderer å søke om erstatning i forbindelse med ADHD.
Hvis du har vært pasient hos legen som er tiltalt i Frosta-saken, kan du ha rett på erstatning.
Her er kortfattet informasjon om de viktigste tingene du må tenke på, hvis du vurderer å søke erstatning for feilbehandling av psykisk lidelse.
You can apply for compensation if you believe you have sustained an injury as a result of the late diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
NPE processes compensation claims for side effects (adverse reactions) following vaccination.