Administration period

Here you can see the average time it takes for the administrative procedure to be completed.

Print Bokmål | Nynorsk | 7. December 2023

A claim may take more or less time depending on the individual matters relating to the claim. Anyone who applies for compensation will receive information throughout the administrative procedure.

We usually start processing your case within five months, but sometimes it can take longer than that.

Decision concerning approval or refusal

On average, it takes just under seven months before you receive a decision on an application for compensation.

Calculation and payment of compensation

On average, it takes six months to calculate all items included in the compensation amount.

Varied waiting time

Each case is assessed individually and concretely, and will have different needs for medical and legal investigation. The waiting time before you receive a response to your application therefore varies widely.

The administrative procedure, step by step

Claim preparation

You can choose whether to submit your claim form digitally or by post. We will obtain a statement from the treatment site and any other relevant documentation such as medical records and similar. You will receive a copy of the statement from the treatment site and will have the opportunity to provide comments.

The claims manager will take over the claim

The claims manager will look at the documentation we have received and obtain more information if necessary. The most important documents for the claim will be your input on the claim form, a specialist assessment of your case, your medical records and the statement from the treatment site.

You will receive information about what is happening to your claim by way of copies of the correspondence. You are also very welcome to contact the claims manager if you have any questions or further information relating to your claim.

Assessment of the medical issues presented in the claim

We have agreements with specialists in various areas. In some cases, we will also obtain expert statements from specialists outside of NPE. The solution that is chosen will depend on the complexity of the claim and whether our specialists have the correct expertise for the claim that is under consideration.


The claims manager will investigate the medical and legal matters that determine whether or not you are entitled to compensation.

Calculation of the compensation

If your claim is approved, we will determine the compensation amount. During this phase of the administrative procedure, we will require further information and input from you. We will calculate the compensation in accordance with the "Act on damages".

The claims manager will determine the compensation based on your specific situation so that your current and future financial losses are covered. The compensation will be paid out in addition to any sickness benefits, welfare rights and similar.

The aim is to ensure that your financial position remains the same as before the injury occurred.